About Us
Established in 1997, FirstDart Fishing Tackle is a manufacturer of a comprehensive range of sport fishing lines and the one and only Fly Line Manufacturer in Asia.
We embrace our commitment to offer a diversity of first in class products and services to satisfy customers’ needs.
Renowned for technology and service, FirstDart is able to supply a comprehensive range of products, including but not limited to
nylon monofilament, fluorocarbon, HPPE, braided, tapered leaders and all Fly Fishing related lines.
Our on site R&D centre ensures we are at the leading edge of advances in the world of sport fishing lines.
An ISO accredited in-house packaging design service, commitment to customer confidentiality and international offices in
Shanghai, Singapore and Czech Republic, allow us to offer a first class serviceto OEM customers from all over the world.

Our Values
Dedication and commitment to customers, suppliers and partners.
Innovation, product R&D and technology investments are our priority.
We pursue growth based on ethics, trust and credibility.
We respect customer confidentiality and IP.
We understand and care for the others and the environment.
Customer service is our focus.